Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc.

There are 4 offers with category "Health/Beauty"

25% off any retail product in shop!

Eddie's Barber & Beauty Salon

203 N. Wells St. Edna TX 77957

(361) 782-2481

15% off a highlight and haircut. Only one discount per month per family member. Not valid with other discounts

Jennifer's House of Style

4702 N. Laurent Suite D Victoria TX 77904

(361) 485-1990

10% off any service or product for all new clients

Lisa's Main Street Salon

1822 7th St. Bay City TX 77414


15% off on first time purchase of a total ticket price. Services: Full Set, Design Tips, Sculptured Nails, Nail Repair..

Shanna's Sassi Kutz

121 E. Main St. Edna TX 77957

(361) 781-0510