Northeastern REMC
There are 20 offers with category "Automotive"
$100 off any vehicle purchased
24/7 Cars
6745 W. US 30 Larwill IN 46764
5% off towing fee
All Pro Towing
2305 E. Cardinal Ave. Columbia City IN 46725
$5.00 off an oil change. Not valid with any other offers.
Arcola Auto Care
11720 Bass Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46818
$5 off any towing or service work.
B & D Automotive Service
2179 E Paige Rd. Columbia City IN 46725
10% discount on all after market parts and accessories.
Big Bear Cycles, Inc
213 S. Main St. Columbia City IN 46725
Employee Price on all new Chevrolet and Ford vehicles.
City Chevrolet/ City Ford
3040 E Business 30 Columbia City IN 46725
10% discount on all in stock batteries and accesories
Crown Battery Systems
3000 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne IN 46825
Free logo t-shirt with purchase of $50 or more.
Ehlerding Motor Sports
5525 State Road 930 East Fort Wayne IN 46803
10% off.
Got Tint Performance and Restyling Group
435 Fern Hill Ave. Fort Wayne IN 46825
5% off any repair
Heavy Truck and Equipment Repair
1181 S State Rd. 9 Columbia City IN 46725
$5 off Signature Service oil change at participating locations only. Code: REMC5.
Jiffy Lube - Coldwater Road
4334 Coldwater Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46825
$5 off Signature Service oil change at participating locations only. Code: REMC5.
Jiffy Lube -Jefferson Blvd.
3818 W Jefferson Blvd. Ste. 201 Fort Wayne IN 46825
$5 off Signature Service oil change at participating locations only. Code: REMC5.
Jiffy Lube- Maysville Rd.
10324 Maysville Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46825
$5 off Signature Service oil change at participating locations only. Code: REMC5.
Jiffy Lube- South Bend Dr.
5312 South Bend Dr. Fort Wayne IN 46825
$5 off Signature Service oil change at participating locations only. Code: REMC5.
Jiffy Lube- Stellhorn Rd.
6353 Stellhorn Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46825